Sunday 26 June 2016


Homosexuality is a practice alien to the African society, it is one that is highly frowned out by both young and old and those in between. The world has truly evolved and homosexuality is the new norm.

Homosexuality is as old as man and a mutually agreed point cannot be pronounced on the history of this sodomic act. However, nations over the years have rebuked this practice as barbarous and obnoxious. However, this new world order of pervertism and sexual freedom has welcomed this fallen tendency of human nature.

Currently, the country does not allow LGBT right, and there are legal and moral penalties for homosexuals. However several individuals have clamored for LGBT rights in Nigeria, and African in a wider perspective. It is common knowledge that all state license and recognize same sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges,576 U.S. (2015) which gave a right to same sex marriages among other legislations.

It is a recent trend that this barbaric bill has been re-surfacing the National Assembly over the years. This trend was welcomed into the National Assembly during Goodluck Jonathan's regime which led to the signing of the anti gay bill which offenders would be liable to 14 years imprisonment. according to NBC News, Two similar bills have been proposed since 2006 but failed to make it through parliament.
The re-occurring issue is whether this new bill is gay-centric and to what extent is the Nigerian woman really protected because the supposed bill is couched in the manner to give protection to the Nigerian woman.

Following the Gender and Equal Opportunity Bill, the words of The Director, Doctors Health Initiative, Nkechi Asogwa, readily comes to mind. In her opinion, the bill promotes abrasive western liberation of women, gay practices, legalisation of abortion and gender stereotyping, adding that all these were contrary to the Nigerian laws, religious, cultural and philosophical convictions of the Nigerian people.
“Those applauding the Bill do not understand. They mistake it for a Bill promoting equality between men and women. They think the Bill is aimed at promoting the economic, political and cultural empowerment of the Nigerian women. But the Bill reveals otherwise. The public, especially women, need to be educated and enlightened on this issue. We need to rise up and ensure that Bill is not passed,” Mrs. Asogwa said.
The issue that readily comes in mind is why we still have this gender issue reoccurring and the law makers adamant to make this law since 2006. Are there no other laws to be passed. Nigeria is a county faced with many ills and  there are many viruses why add more to the system?


S. 12 of the Gender and Equal Opportunity Bill, provides for reproductive rights of women, to terminate pregnancies in regards to specific situations. However there is no doubt that this would liberalize abortion in Nigeria.

The Bill however has not touched on the issue of homosexuality but it would take a few years for amendment and inclusion of gay rights as they are also a minority to be protected like women.


This is an excerpt from Wikipedia, Same-sex marriage has been legal in South Africa since the Civil Union Act came into force on 30 November 2006. The decision of the Constitutional Court in the case of Minister of Home Affairs v Fourie on 1 December 2005 extended the common-law definition of marriage to include same-sex spouses—as the Constitution of South Africa guarantees equal protection before the law to all citizens regardless of sexual orientation—and gave Parliament one year to rectify the inequality in the marriage statutes. On 14 November 2006, the National Assembly passed a law allowing same-sex couples to legally marry 230 to 41, which was subsequently approved by the National Council of Provinces on 28 November in a 36 to 11 vote, and the law came into effect two days later.
The Bill introduced by Senator Biodun Olujimi is one that should be commended, however when making a law, the ripple effects should not be ignored. The Nigerian constitution protects the rights of women, what is needed is the enforceability of this right and not making of redundant laws.
THE Sexual liberalization this bill would introduce would in few years to come give rise to multiplicity in sexual freedom. This is not the orientation of the Nigerian people. Our heritage should be protected. As an activist I Say NO to Homosexuality. Lets fight against other forms of discrimination but not one based on sexual freedom to protect the sanity of our nation.

 Check out the Bill on:

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Harry Upton 7th said...

Are you saying homosexuality is a sin or a crime? I know I can't even begin to understand the intricacies of the cultural history in your country (assuming you are Nigerian), but let me say that some of the most law abiding, fairest and nicest people i know are homosexual. Furthermore is it their fault that their natural tendencies are for being attracted to the same sex?

Your posts indicate that you are a modern, well educated and worldly person, so I would be surprised AND disappointed if you condemned in any way LGBT people, in yours or any other country.
I know when you think about it, from a heterosexual viewpoint, the actions of homosexuality themselves seem to be unnatural and in some cases dirty and unhygeinic, but they are are no less wholesome and clean-living than anyone else. They know what they do is weird and has been scorned upon, but at least by today's standards, they are accepted or should be accepted as normal people in every other way. Give them a break, they are as worthy a human as anyone on this planet.

Unknown said...

Hi David, I really appreciate your comment.

I am a Nigerian, and yes I am a 21st century adult. I believe in equality and gender equality is a welcomed development. However, a society is built on certain fundamental principles and it is indeed important to protect the sanity of our state and for public good that the whole idea of sexual freedom and homosexuality is shunned.

Homosexuals can indeed be lovely people, however, it is not the person but the habit that is being condemned. Some say it is a natural phenomenon but to encourage this act would lead do more homosexual acts and we intend to protect our wellbeing as citizens of this nation.

Once more thanks for your comment. Hope to hear from you soon.