Thursday 30 June 2016


Sadly, none of my detectives (readers) got it. The murder was committed by Denzel. Yes Denzel.

Denzel was the accountant in the Law firm, he loved Ciara so much but he loved money more. He had connived with the former Chief executive auditor to falsify the accounts which led to his termination. Although, at first Denzel thought that Ciara was going to co-operate with him, so he decided to get married to her soon and he intended to take her out for dinner to tell her his plans.

Remember Denzel was a chain smoker and loved to party so much and he and Ciara loved to club on Friday Nights together.

Ciara had found out the real reason behind the falsified account and Denzel had even promised to give a certain per cent if she should co-operate but she refused.

On Friday, they would have partied together, however Ciara had told Denzel she had work to do. Omah Ciara's secretary had told Denzel she was going to expose him on Monday, (Ciara told Omah almost everything) and Denzel knew he would be terminated and face criminal charges, so while Omah was not on her desk that Friday after getting himself drunk and arriving at the office, he saw Ciara step out for a while from the office. He drugged her coffee but dropped his cigar while trying to leave in his drunken state.

This would have been one of thos unsolved murders if not for the tiny piece of evidence, epithelial cells from the saliva on the cigarettes.

This Mystery Murder is open to criticism. Open comment


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